Download and install instructions

Python Package Index (PyPI)

You can install OdooRPC with pip:

$ pip install odoorpc

No dependency is required.

Source code

The project is hosted on GitHub. To get the last stable release (master branch), just type:

$ git clone

Also, the project uses the Git Flow extension to manage its branches and releases. If you want to contribute, make sure to make your Pull Request against the develop branch.

Run tests

Unit tests depend on the standard module unittest (Python 2.7 and 3.x) and on a running Odoo instance. To run all unit tests from the project directory, run the following command:

$ python -m unittest discover -v

To run a specific test:

$ python -m unittest -v odoorpc.tests.test_init

To configure the connection to the server, some environment variables are available:

$ export ORPC_TEST_PROTOCOL=jsonrpc
$ export ORPC_TEST_HOST=localhost
$ export ORPC_TEST_PORT=8069
$ export ORPC_TEST_DB=odoorpc_test
$ export ORPC_TEST_USER=admin
$ export ORPC_TEST_PWD=admin
$ export ORPC_TEST_VERSION=10.0
$ export ORPC_TEST_SUPER_PWD=admin
$ python -m unittest discover -v

The database odoorpc_test will be created if it does not exist.